zero-waste cities
According to the document, "zero-waste cities" refer to an advanced urban development and management model that aims to promote green lifestyles, minimize the amount of waste produced, strengthen recycling programs and ensure that waste released into the environment is harmless.
Published by the State Council, China's Cabinet, the pilot plan aims for the minimum generation, maximum utilization and safe disposal of solid waste. Use of landfills will be minimized as part of efforts to reduce the environmental impact of waste.
综合考虑不同地域、不同发展水平及产业特点、地方政府积极性等因素,优先选取国家生态文明试验区(national ecological civilization pilot zone)省份具备条件的城市、循环经济示范城市(national demonstration city for the circular economy)、工业资源综合利用示范基地(demonstration base for comprehensive utilization of industrial resources)、已开展或正在开展各类固体废物回收利用无害化处置试点并取得积极成效的城市。
After the 10-city pilot program ends in 2021, its results will be used to guide expansion of the initiative.
? 到2020年,系统构建“无废城市”建设指标体系(an index system for "zero-waste cities"),
? 探索建立“无废城市”建设综合管理制度和技术体系(an institutional and technical system for the management of "no-waste cities"),
? 试点城市在固体废物重点领域和关键环节取得明显进展,
? 大宗工业固体废物贮存处置总量趋零增长(with almost zero growth of industrial waste storage),
? 主要农业废弃物全量利用(full use of agricultural waste)、生活垃圾减量化资源化水平全面提升(a decrease in waste generation and an increase in its utilization),
? 危险废物全面安全管控(hazardous waste will be well-controlled),
? 非法转移倾倒固体废物事件零发生(no more waste will be dumped illegally),
? 培育一批固体废物资源化利用骨干公司(a group of backbone waste recycling enterprises will be established)。
通过在试点城市深化固体废物综合管理改革,总结试点经验做法,形成一批可复制、可推广的“无废城市”建设示范模式(a model of no-waste cities that is replicable and applicable),为推动建设“无废社会”奠定良好基础。
zero-waste cities/no-waste cities/waste-free cities 无废城市
solid waste 固体废物
utilization [,ju?t?la?'ze???n] n. 利用,使用
hazardous ['h?z?d?s] adj. 有危险的;冒险的
domestic garbage 生活垃圾
backbone ['b?kb??n] n. 支柱;主干网;毅力;脊椎
replicable ['repl?k?bl] adj. 能复现的;可复制的